Promis.e Help

Side-by-Side Installation

Promis.e 2023 supports a side-by-side installation of multiple versions of Promis.e on the same machine. You can run multiple versions of Promis.e CONNECT Edition & Promis.e 2023 on the same machine. Installation of Promis.e 2023 will by default occur alongside any previous installations. Removing previous versions of Promis.e will require a manual uninstall. Promis.e 2023's installation directory and Configuration are in a different location than the previous version. In the default installation, you can work on two different configurations defined during Promis.e CONNECT Edition and Promis.e 2023 installation.

Note: Side-by-side installation is only available for major releases. Installing a minor release will upgrade the current version of Promis.e installed on your machine.

If you wish Promis.e to work with the same configuration as Promis.e CONNECT Edition, then you must review and complete the following tasks during and after the installation process to share the configuration among two Promis.e versions.

Set the default Delivered Configuration directory during Installation

During the installation of Promis.e 2023, you must define the same directory path as the Delivered Configuration directory of Promis.e CONNECT Edition. The default Delivered Configuration directory path is "C:\ProgramData\Bentley\ Promis.e 2023\". Change this directory path to "C:\ProgramData\Bentley\ Promis.e CONNECT Edition\" as shown in the following images:

Note: While installing Promis.e CONNECT Edition, if you installed the Delivered Configuration to the custom directory (Other than " Promis.e CONNECT Edition" directory) then you must select the same custom directory while installing Promis.e 2023.

Set Custom Configuration directory during Installation

During the installation of Promis.e 2023, if you wish to share your existing Custom Configuration, then you must set the same directory path of the Custom Configuration directory of Promis.e CONNECT Edition. Promis.e CONNECT Edition Custom Configuration directory is "D:\Bentley\WS". You should browse the same directory during Promis.e 2023 installation.

Note: Promis.e Configurations are not version dependent. Bentley tries to minimize any disruptions to Configurations, however in some Open products there may be instances where some configuration changes take place. Please refer to the release documents of those products.

Copy and Paste the "prefs" folder after Installation

If you wish to use Preferences and User Configuration from the previous version, then after installation, launch Promis.e 2023 and close the session to set the default preferences at "C:\Users\<>\AppData\Local\Bentley\ Promis.e \23.0.0" directory.

Now copy the "prefs" directory from "C:\Users\<>\AppData\Local\Bentley\ Promis.e \10.0.0" and paste at "C:\Users\<>\AppData\Local\Bentley\ Promis.e \23.0.0" to replace the existing "prefs" directory.

Promis.e 2023 should work seamlessly with the existing configurations. This configuration will be shared between Promis.e CONNECT Edition and Promis.e 2023 versions.

Note: You must follow step 3, every time if there is any change in preference settings in Promis.e CONNECT Edition which you wish to use in Promis.e 2023.